
Showing posts from May, 2019

VIRTUAL PARK: A creative solution

As the blockchain industry evolves, with the number of cryptoassets going up and cryptocurrencies continuing their incredible surge, the market for crypto trading is also growing. While offering a wide range of opportunities for investing, the cryptocurrency market is hard to keep up with. With thousands of alternative coins in circulation, it is difficult to evaluate which ones are worth investing in, and it is even harder to follow their constant fluctuations. If this exponentially growing and ever-changing market can be disorienting for even experienced traders, it is natural for new cryptoholders to feel lost in this complex environment. Even though the crypto market has attracted thousands of new cryptoholders, the learning curve for them remains extremely steep. At the same time the marketplace lacks tools and services to help new user lower potential risks and encourage them to make the leap into the crypto community. Before I proceed on this work, Lets take a look

VERAEXCHANGE: The World First Security Token Marketplace with blockchain infrastructure

Crypto currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple have not only established themselves as means of payment in recent years, but have also increasingly proved to be a highly attractive field for investments. However, the current situation on the cryptographic markets is characterized by illiquidity, enormous volatility and a serious asymmetry of information among the participants. But this makes the market very lucrative and attracts speculators. Tenfold returns in less than a year are not uncommon. But these gains are at the expense of the ill-informed users. The success in crypto markets is based on information advantages that few have over many. This is the core problem: a lack of high quality, verifiable information. There is far too much noise in the relevant channels and far too little resilient facts. When you are in Telegram channels, slacks, subreddits and private forums you will find plenty of hype, insecurity and fears. This highly problematic dynamic o

WISE: Empowering IOT through the power of Blockchain

As the blockchain industry evolves, with the number of cryptoassets going up and cryptocurrencies continuing their incredible surge, the market for crypto trading is also growing. While offering a wide range of opportunities for investing, the cryptocurrency market is hard to keep up with. With thousands of alternative coins in circulation, it is difficult to evaluate which ones are worth investing in, and it is even harder to follow their constant fluctuations. If this exponentially growing and ever-changing market can be disorienting for even experienced traders, it is natural for new cryptoholders to feel lost in this complex environment. Even though the crypto market has attracted thousands of new cryptoholders, the learning curve for them remains extremely steep. At the same time the marketplace lacks tools and services to help new user lower potential risks and encourage them to make the leap into the crypto community. Before I proceed lets have an

DARB: World’s first blockchain asset platform

The global trend of financial ecosystem has evolved to a stage where blockchain technology has taken penultimate position as the driving force. The current scenario of emerging innovate technology such as blockchain technology, advancement in fintech, efficient, fast, secured, reliable and low cost fund transfer as well as the utilization of cryptocurrency by the masses. It is just in time for financial industry to embrace the wave of change as the way forward. Crypto-currencies have developed over the last few years, and have grown from a concept to a relatively stable investment for many. With the rise of a small number of big tech companies and governments using technology to watch their citizens, many people now believe technology only centralizes power rather than decentralizes it. There are important counter-trends to this like encryption and cryptocurrency that take power from centralized systems and put it back into people’s hands. Before I continue

UBECOIN: A Barter E-commerce and entertainment platform

Cryptocurrencies is one of the most important inventions since the inception of the web. They are ushering in a new era of decentralization, privacy, and control of one’s own data that has the potential to revolutionize many parts of society. There are currently over one thousand cryptocurrencies in use, with hundreds more being released each year. Their combined market cap has grown from $10 billion in 2016, to over $400 billion at the time of writing, having previously been much higher. Only 1% of the world’s population own cryptocurrency. Companies involved with blockchain, the technology behind cryptocurrencies and altcoins are expected to experience significant growth over the coming years. Blockchain technology can solve dozens of previously intractable problems, like digital identities, supply chain integrity, data breaches and many, many more. The use of blockchain technology within society has been exponentially increasing since it was introduced to the world

BCNEX: The Ultimate Trading Platform using High Wallet Security System.

The cryptocurrency market is going through one of its most difficult stages so far. Ethereum and Bitcoin prices keep falling, transaction processing times remain low, mining rewards are falling, and suggested solutions for the issues of scaling and energy inefficiency are still far from implementation. These developments go against the established expectation that the economy is about to undergo a fundamental shift, becoming more decentralized. Blockchain enthusiasts have long hoped to see — and help build — a world where cross-border transactions are instantaneous and free, where individuals can conduct their business without the interference of banks and other authorities, and where deals will not depend on trust between parties. All this should be possible with blockchain — but can these advantages be realized in the light of current problems? BCNEX is a new cryptocurrency that intends to bridge this divide of expectations and reality. After learning about Bcne