TERAWATT: A Global LED Adoption Through Blockchain Technology
In the modern world, where digital communication is rapidly becoming as important as live interaction and where people are increasingly wary of centralized power, the natural direction for technology and finance to take is towards a crypto-economy based on blockchain technology, whose main pillars are transparency and decentralization. Blockchain is a complex technology and developing one from scratch would require a significant investment of time, work, and funds, whereas Ethereum’s blockchain is ready and functioning, with a well-developed infrastructure and a plethora of third-party solutions already supporting its tokens, which enables a variety of integrations. Before i proceed lets look at this video to understand what Terawatt is all about https://youtu.be/nqJpg5-rlrU TERAWATT Terawatt is a Blockchain technology and a patented company of renewable energy sources with a strong focus on monetization and worldwide introduction of LED. They creates a DAO base...